JULY Video Newsletter
The newsletter theme for July is USE VIDEO & SAVE MONEY. We've been reading a lot lately about how video is increasing in popularity among online advertising marketers. And it's effectiveness in creating a positive ROI is proof. That's why global online ad spending is predicted to explode from $2 billion to almost $6 billion within 2 years.
Please enjoy the articles and tips featured below.
Play the video above and learn how easy it is to get started creating a custom video online with our patent-pending order process. As always, if you need help or additional services just give us a call 888.528.1999.
Remember: DISS is THE go-to source for efficient, economical, and effective online video production. Use it for ANYTHING. Use it for EVERYTHING. |
SPOTLIGHT: $5000 in Marketing on a $500 Budget
A recent article on Business 2 Community features 6 experts discussing how BEST to spend $5000 on marketing. We'd briefly like to highlight some of their points but instead of $5000 what if you could spend $500?
Share-Worthy Video Content: Most agree that a budget should be allocated to content creation. One expert confesses he'd put $ into video for blogs but is worried about what quality can be had with such a limited budget.
Another agrees that ALL of the budget should go to professional video production claiming "content achieves more than any fancy SEO trickery and, in my case, producing quality content is more a factor of time, than money.
Invest In Brand-Building: Another interesting idea was to invest in brand building where it was argued "putting the investment towards content creation, SEO, or any other marketing is not a long term investment that will last, but a brand lasts. Anything else could generally be copied by others and does not provide any sort of advantage over the competition."
So if you could start builing your brand with professional "share-worthy" video content starting as little as $500 would you be interested?
CALL or LOG-ON to learn more: 888.528.1999.
Read full article |
Video Marketing Tips for You
More than 60% of marketers using new media have concerns on how to measure ROI, according to a 2012 Association of National Advertisers survey. Possibly due to this concern, online video, with its proven ROIs, has had the sharpest increase of all platforms since last year. 25% of marketers surveyed are now also using video on mobile platforms. 75% of marketers on have 1-3 staff devoted to new media platforms and of those only 17% do it full time.
A study by Prosper Mobile Insights found that 74% of consumers fully paid attention to mobile video ads while surfing. Interestingly, men pay more attention than women with 51% saying that the video ads influence their purchases compared to a still very high 43.7% for women. If your target is on the go, make certain they can view your videos on mobile devices.
READ: Marketers use of Social Media, Mobile & Video Grows
READ: What Top Shops Know About Mobile Video |
Quote of the Month
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” - Henry Ford |
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