Are your videos mobile ready? It's no news flash, a vast majority of online video content is now digested via mobile platforms. That being said, have you thought about YOUR content and whether it is maximized for efficient mobile use?
It's not just about the actual file type. Most 3rd Party video hosts allow you to upload a variety of video files from mov to mp4 to mpg and so on. The majority of videos today are HD or 720p, 1080i or 1080p, with some 4K videos being used. If you are streaming 4K UHD, bear in mind that only a very small percentage of users have access to mobile displays with 4K screens, meaning you're making the rest of us wait for a larger file to buffer UNLESS you use a 3rd Party host, such as YouTube, which optimizes playback for the device and bandwidth speed. But in most practical cases, 4K can be overkill.
What about your content? Are you getting it Done In :60? Seriously, whether you DIY or have a professional team create your video, remember, you've got around 20 seconds to earn your audience's attention and after that up to 60 or 120 seconds before they move on. Keep in mind the environment where most viewers watch video on a phone or tablet...riding the subway, waiting for a meeting, airports, etc. In other words, they generally watch it while doing or waiting for something else! Get to the point quickly and leave information for them to follow-up with later. Check out this article for a few more tips.
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